Wirtualny Dziekanat
APR System
Conformity declaration
College of Tourism and Language Studies in Warsaw commits to ensuring the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of public sector websites and mobile applications.
The accessibility statement concerns the website http://wstijo.warszawa.pl/.
Publication date of the website: 2020-09-23.
Date of last significant update: 2024-06-13.
Digital Accessibility Status
The website is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of public sector websites and mobile applications due to non-compliance or exclusions listed below.
Unavailable Elements and Content
- Adaptability - Information and RelationshipsThe content presented on our website is programmatically accessible, but not all interface elements are presented in the same way.
- Distinguishability - ContrastA user of the Virtual Dean Office application can define their own color scheme for the service, which may not meet minimum contrast requirements. The software provider offers two additional color schemes with fixed colors that meet contrast requirements.
- Distinguishability - Screen AdaptationSome interface elements (e.g., tables) may require scrolling in two dimensions.
- Distinguishability - Contrast of Non-text ElementsSome interface elements may not meet requirements regarding the contrast of non-text elements.
Preparation of the Accessibility Statement
Date of preparation of the statement: 2020-09-23.
Date of last review of the statement: 2024-03-23.
The statement was prepared based on a self-assessment conducted by the public entity.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on this website.
Feedback and Contact Information
Are there issues on this website resulting from non-compliance with digital accessibility requirements? Report it to our support department via email at support@apr.pl or by phone at +48 41 241 22 42.
In your report, please provide:
- Your first and last name;
- Your contact information (e.g., phone number, email);
- The exact address of the website where the unavailable element or content is located;
- A description of the problem and the preferred method of solution for you.
Handling Requests and Complaints Related to Accessibility
We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than within 7 days of receiving it.
If this deadline is too short for us, we will inform you. In this notification, we will provide a new deadline by which we will correct the errors reported by you or prepare information in an alternative manner. This new deadline will not exceed 2 months.
If we are unable to ensure the digital accessibility of the website or content according to your request, we will propose an alternative access method.
If our actions are not satisfactory to you, you can lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman for Citizens Rights.
Architectural Accessibility
APR SYSTEM, Zgórsko 3, 26-052 Nowiny k. Kielc
- There are 2 entrances from [street name] to the building, labeled with letters A and B. Both entrances have stairs. Entrance A has a ramp for wheelchairs. Entrance A is for guests.
- The reception is located to the right of entrance A. Further passage is secured by turnstiles through which a person in a wheelchair can pass.